백악관 청원: 평화협정체결 촉구 A Peace Treaty on the Korean Peninsula 2018년 3월 15일 ~

Title: We petition for a comprehensive and permanent peace treaty on the Korean peninsula.

A Peace Treaty on the Korean Peninsula
Created by J.Y. on March 15, 2018

Needs 0 signatures by April 14, 2018 to get a response from the White House
103,192 signed
100,000 goal

Title: We petition for a comprehensive and permanent peace treaty on the Korean peninsula.

President Donald Trump has the heartfelt thanks and congratulations for his courage on behalf of peace in Korea in agreeing to meet with Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea. We understand that much work remains, and a nuclear freeze can be the first and critical step toward denuclearization. Moving forward, a permanent peace treaty that finally ends the Korean War after 65 years, through normalization of relations between the U.S. and North Korea, would be a bold move for peace that will be remembered for ages. We urge the President to exercise leadership for peace and work towards a comprehensive and permanent peace solution in the Korean peninsula.
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